Super Visa Insurance for Canadian

The super visa is a multiple entry visa that provides multiple entries for a period of up to 10 years. The key difference is that the super visa allows individuals to stay for up to 2 years at a time in Canada, while 10 years of multiple entries visa would only have status periods of each entry of six months only. If you are looking for a super visa for Canada, there are lots of websites are available in the market that provides super visa insurance for Canadian
Now every visa insurance plan has its own terms and conditions; hence if you would like to apply for the same. Here more on the eligibility criteria are explained below: 

The first main and important criteria for the super insurance are that you should be parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. 

The second main criteria for the super visa insurance are that the applicants should have private medical insurance from a Canadian company for a period of at least 1 year. The applicants will be required to submit proof of the same for the application to get approved. 

On applying, you must have to provide a copy of the letter of invitation from the relative inviting you to Canada. This letter should specify the number of persons in the household as well as outline the details for the plan of care while you stay there. To add, the applicant has to provide documents stating that their children or grandchildren meet the least income threshold and that they will provide all the financial support during your stay in Canada.

The main benefit of a super visa is that it has a very less processing time, it is issued within eight weeks and the visitor visa has a longer processing time. The other benefits are super visa allows one to stay up to two years and a visitor visa only for 6 months.

If you would like some help with applying super visa insurance for Canadian, you have to visit Insure in Canada . They can help you process your application faster and making sure there are fewer roadblocks in the approval process.


  1. Super Visa Insurance is a policy issued by the government when there’s hope of reuniting residents of Canada with their parents or grandparents. It allows for multiple entry visas, which means it can cover both your parents and your grandparents on the same insurance policy plan. If you are pursuing Parental Sponsorship then Super Visa Insurance is one of the most viable solutions. For more details about the Canadian LIC Insurance click here-> Super Visa Insurance


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